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Hotel Indigo Kansas City – The Crossroads

Meetings & events

Hotel Indigo Sketch Events

11,944 square feet and 5 function rooms

KC Costume

The 468 square foot KC Costume Room is our boardroom and will accommodate up to 20 people.

3rd Floor

30 Guests

Peggy Noland

722 square foot Peggy Noland Room can accommodate up to 50. Perfect for business meetings, receptions, holiday parties, rehearsal dinners, and many other options our guests may need.

3rd Floor

60 Guests

The Bardot

The Bardot can accommodate up to 250. Perfect for business meetings, receptions, holiday parties, receptions, and many other options our guests may need.

1st Floor

250 Guests

The Harlow

The 5475 sq. ft. Harlow is an industrial chic event space located in the Crossroads Arts District Elevate the experience with a lofted & intimate vibe, Space for meetings, breakouts and meals. . Features a built-in screen and projection system.

Mezzanine Floor

175 Guests


722 square foot function space

Ground Floor

49 Guests

We've got you covered

  • Shipping available

  • Printing services

  • Creative meeting and event concept consultation

  • 扫描仪
  • 复印服务
  • 打印机
  • Same-day dry cleaning

  • Wireless internet access throughout the hotel

  • Event planning available

  • Catering available

Hotel Indigo Sketch Disco ball